Water Board hearing tomorrow, old growth hikes, other news re. Pacific Lumber
REMINDER– State Water Board will decide at a hearing JUNE 16 whether the stay on logging in the impaired watersheds of Elk River and Freshwater will stand. (See BACH’s April 7 and March 30 alerts for details). We re-post EPIC’s alert below, which also includes information about old growth forest hikes. Also check out detailed stories about Maxxam/Pacific Lumber in last Sunday’s SF Chronicle: The financial wizard behind Pacific Lumber controversy and Lumber dispute coming to a head. The financial wizard behind Pacific Lumber controversy Lumber dispute coming to a head. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/06/12/BUG87D71N21.DTL EPIC ACTION ALERT _______________________________________________________ PUBLIC MEETINGS, EMAIL YOUR …