News Alert from the Redwoods

Maxxam’s Pacific Lumber is financing 93 percent of the campaign to recall Humboldt County (CA) District Attorney Paul Gallegos in the last reporting period. D.A. Gallegos filed a $250 million lawsuit against Pacific Lumber, alleging fraud which has resulted in the illegal cutting of thousands of old-growth redwoods and the near-destruction of streams and forest watersheds due to clear-cut  runoff. Maxxam responded by initially funding signature gathering for the recall campaign at $8 per signature, and now is almost completely financing the media campaign against Gallegos. Former CDF Director Richard Wilson recently submitted a declaration for the lawsuit, saying discrepencies …

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Tree-sitter at State Capitol in Sacramento lobbies for bill

TREE-SITTER COMES TO SACRAMENTO- MAN CLIMBS TREE TO SUPPORT SB 754, SHELVED BY THE NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Sacramento, CA – A man named Bear climbed a tree outside the California State Capitol today to raise awareness for SB 754, the Heritage Tree Act, which has been held up by the State Assembly’s Natural Resources Committee. This bill would protect trees on non-federal lands that were standing in 1850, the year of California’s statehood. Bear plans to stay in the tree until the State Assembly passes the bill. The Heritage Tree Act was first introduced by Senator Perata in February, 2003. …

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Challenge to Pacific Lumber’s recall campaign needs support

hello BACHsters, This is an alert about the outrageous recall effort underway, largely financed by Maxxam/Pacific Lumber to oust the Humboldt county District Attorney Paul Gallegos, who filed a fraud legal case against PL a number of months ago. (See story in our last newsletter, on our website, for background). This fraud case is hugely important, as is the need to not let this corporation which cares nothing about the community get away with throwing an ethical elected official out of office. This alert was originally sent by Ken Miller, who is with the Humboldt Watershed Council and Salmon Forever …

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Jackson State Forest needs your letters NOW!

Jackson State Forest needs your letters NOW! Dear Forest Supporter, California state law now says that Jackson State Forest shall be logged for maximum timber production! This must be changed if our public forest is to be saved for our children! Ask your legislators to support reform legislation at: ** “Ten Days to Rock Sacramento” is underway. Our goal is to deliver at least 1000 letters to each of two key legislators, the governor, and the new head of the Resources Department. Your forest needs your help! Why is your letter so important? * No legislator has yet committed to …

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WHO CAN DENY THEY ARE TRYING TO BUY THEIR WAY OUT OF THEIR FRAUD? READ ON… Maxxam-Palco give another $75K to recall By James Tressler The Times-Standard EUREKA — Houston-based Maxxam Corp., parent company of Pacific Lumber Co., this week put another $75,000 into the recall of District Attorney Paul Gallegos. According to a statement filed with the Humboldt County Elections Office on Monday, the Safety Yes, Recall Paul Gallegos committee received the payment from Maxxam and its affiliates. Maxxam and Palco have now put about a quarter-million dollars into ousting Gallegos, who last year sued Palco, alleging the company …

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