Visit BACH’s booth at Indigenous Peoples’ Day Oct. 6!

Come Visit Our Booth ~

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Pow Wow and Indian Market Sat. Oct. 6, 10 am – 6 pm
MLK Civic Center Park, Berkeley
(2 blocks w. of dwntwn BART, next to Farmers’ Market

The BACH / Earth First! booth will have the latest information about the on-going campaign for the Mattole forest, awesome stickers and t-shirts, Earth First! Journals and other literature, gear from the Buffalo Field Campaign…and more!

This is an amazing event in its 26th year! See IPD powwow for more info. There is scheduled exhibition and contest dancing, honor songs, and much more on the program, and beautiful crafts from all over that you won’t see elsewhere. The Farmers’ Market will be open until 3.

If you can help us out, particularly with set-up and take-down, it would make all this possible! Details below.

We have booth #44 on the west side of the park near the corner of MLK and Center St.

If you have a little time Sat. morning, we need several people to help set up. We have an easy-up shade cover, several (light) tables, and the tabling gear and displays. We have to unload and move vehicles out of the set up area before the event start time.


We’ll be arriving by about 8:30 – 9. If you can help, email or call or text 510-548-3113. We will be packing up about 6. If you have a lawn chair, bring it!

I hope you can join us for part of the day!