July 19 Protest Against Mendocino Redwood Co. for Herbicide Use

Hack’n’Squirt Alert!


Nonviolent Protest at Mendocino Redwoods Company Mill in Ukiah

Residents of Mendocino County will rally in front of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors’ Chambers on Low Gap Rd. in Ukiah at 9 am on Tuesday, July 19, prior to an (approximately) 11 am demonstration at the Ukiah mill operation of Mendocino Redwood Co. (MRC). They are protesting the continued use of herbicide in the forests, through the practice of “Hack ’n’ Squirt,” which is the direct application of toxic substances to trees, and then leaving the dead trees standing, creating a significant fire danger besides the health hazard to wildlife, streams, workers and residents.

MRC, owned by the Fisher family of GAP fame, kills the non-marketable trees—mostly hardwoods like tan oak—in a redwood or Douglas fir forest. The protesters say the practice of leaving standing dead trees has now been outlawed through Measure V, which passed on a County ballot by a two thirds majority. Moreover, MRC touts a “certified sustainable” label, bestowed by the Forest Stewardship Council. Sustainable lumber generally boasts a higher market value.

Forest activists point out there is nothing sustainable about using toxic herbicides, nor the elimination of tan oak trees, referred to as “nurse trees” that play an important role in protecting the soil and encouraging biodiversity, creating a healthier forest.

Those gathered for the rally and demonstration are demanding that MRC hold to its stated intention to stop the use of herbicides, including Imazypr and Glyphosate, and that their County Supervisors implement Measure V and carry out the ban on standing dead trees being left in the forest.