Texas Judge Denies Stay in PL Case–Company Nearly in Mendocino Redwood Co.’s Hands ** Court Decision on Oak Grove Tomorrow: Vigil at Oaks Tonight and Tomorrow

*Texas Judge Denies Stay in PL Case–Company Nearly in Mendocino Redwood Co.’s Hands*

*Court Decision on Oak Grove Tomorrow: Vigil at Oaks Tonight and Tomorrow*

Judge Confirms Approval of Mendocino Redwood Co. July 15
It has seemed to drag on forever, though sometimes the twists and turns have been swift and interesting, but in all likelihood it will soon be over. One certainly that has remained the last several months is that Charles Hurwitz and Maxxam Co. are sinking below Humbolt’s horizon.

Though Corpus Christi Judge Richard Schmidt cleared the way for Mendocino Redwood Co (MRC) to become the new owner with his earlier ruling, the Noteholders have been challenging that decision. The Noteholders favor an auction of the assets. Schmidt on July 15 denied a stay requested by the Noteholders, but also allowed them until July 25 to seek a stay via an appeal through the 5th District Court of Appeals. Pending Court of Appeals action, Schmidt’s decision will become final on July 25. The new company will not be named Mendocino Redwood Company, but we will have to wait for such frivolous details. Stay tuned.

Final Ruling (Again) on UC Berkeley vs Oak Grove on July 17: Call for People at the Grove

Despite our jubilant announcement on June 19 that the supporters of the Oak Grove had WON in court, stopping UCB’s construction project, the University also claimed victory. Fortunately, Judge Miller left the injunction in place as pandemonium broke for many days running as the UC cops barricaded the streets and tried to get the tree-sitters down, and then denied them access to food and water.

The message from the oak grove as of yesterday is this:

Dear friends of Memorial Oak Grove,

We are asking all of our friends to come out to the oak grove this Wednesday night (July 16) for a vigil and sleepover, and then to maintain a presence all day Thursday when the trees could be in danger.

On Thursday, UC is going to court to ask Judge Miller to lift the injunction on cutting the trees. If Miller agrees, UC could be in the grove with chainsaws, cutting trees, as early as Thursday morning.

So please come out for the sleepover Wednesday, and if you can’t make that, please arrive at the grove Thursday morning. Our ground supporters will provide free food, coffee, and tea.

We hope to see you at the grove… our supporters will be on the sidewalk across from the grove…

PS If you have questions call the ground support phone at 510 938 2109.


The Oak Grove Tree-sitters