Grandmothers for the Oaks

><::><::><::><::><::><::><::>< Oak Grove alert from the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters December 11, 2007 ><::><::><::><::><::><::><::>< We hope many of you got to come out for the wonderful one year birthday celebration for the OAKS TREE SIT, still going strong despite arrests, harassment, double chain link fences and barbed wire!! This important and amazing protest continues with community support! Because of the greater difficulty in resupplying the tree-sitters with food and water and warm bedding due to the UC fence blockade, Grandmothers for the Oaks has been standing up for the sitters and providing sustenance! This Sunday, December 16 at 2pm: the Berkeley Grandmothers for the Oaks invite you to Bring Food and Water and Serenade the Treesitters Here is their message: "Hey ya'll, come on down to the Oak Grove this Sunday December 16th at 2pm, and bring lots of non-perishable vegetarian food in bags, lots of water in jugs with handles, blankets and sleeping bags, and your singing voices and instruments. We're planning to sing songs from the Civil Rights Movement to the treesitters. It'll be an open mic and anyone and everyone can sing and perform. Hope to see you there!" - from the Berkeley Grandmothers for the Oaks You can call our office (below) or the tree-sit phone 510-938-2109 for info. The Oak Grove is located in the 2000 block of Piedmont Avenue next to the International House, one block from Bancroft and Piedmont. -- Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH) 2530 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702 phone: 510 548 3113 email: